Hello ISTA-talk Teachers,

Argonne National Laboratory, Eastern Illinois University, and the
University of Utah are collaborating in a large weather project
involving the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement program ( ARM ). One
aspect of the project is the development of near real-time models of ARM

data which would be user-friendly enough to be used by students and
teachers during a study of the weather.  It is the intent of the project

collaborators that teachers might eventually develop lessons and
activities which incorporate these models and contribute them to the
National Science Digital Library.

A short teacher survey has been created which shows three data plot
examples and asks for your opinion and rating. The PI and Co-PI of the
project would welcome your input.


A breakout session describing the project and seeking teachers
interested in involving their own classes is scheduled at the ISTA
Convention in Peoria at 3:30 pm Friday, Oct. 12th, Room 220.

Tim McCollum
Charleston Middle School
Charleston, IL

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