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11th graders fare poorly on new test

By Stephanie Banchero and Michael Martinez

  In the first year of Illinois' expensive and ambitious new high
school exam, about 40 percent of the state's 11th graders failed in
reading, writing or math, according to preliminary state figures
obtained Tuesday by the Tribune.

The dismal results indicate again that schools are struggling to
prepare students to meet the rigorous educational standards state
officials demand. Elementary school scores have been equally poor
since the state launched a new test two years ago.

    "Of course, I'm disappointed," said Ron Gidwitz, chairman of the
Illinois State Board of Education. "I wish the scores could have been
higher. When you have 30-plus percent of the kids performing below
standards, I don't think anybody would characterize that as good."

Last year, Illinois became the first state to require high school
students to take the traditional American College Test (ACT) as part
of a larger package, called the Prairie State Achievement Examination.
For the students the stakes are high: The test results appear on their
transcripts, and some state colleges plan to use them for admission

According to preliminary figures examined during a state board meeting
Tuesday, 38 percent of the state's 11th graders failed the reading and
writing portions of the test, 41 percent flunked the math test, 43
percent failed the science exam and 35 percent flunked the social
studies exam.

The early numbers are based on a representative sample of test results
from about 10,500 students across the state. Board officials said the
sample is a fair representation of the state and the final results
should not vary much. The board is expected to release those results
in October.

The PSAE is the secondary school counterpart to the Illinois Standards
Achievement Test, the state's 3-year-old exam for elementary schools.
The tests measure whether students meet learning standards, which lay
out what students should know and when they should know it.

This year is the first time in two years that the state has had a
measure of how well high school students are performing. Last year's
high school test became optional after a Board of Education snafu.

Patience urged

The high-pressure PSAE, taken in April by the state's 120,000 11th
graders, replaces the 10th-grade ISAT administered in 1999. The
seven-hour, two-day exam includes the ACT math and reading portions,
plus state-developed tests in social studies, science and writing.

Educators believed the new test would be a more accurate measure of
high school achievement because students would have an incentive to do
well. Students who fail the exam can retake it their senior year.

Illinois State Schools Supt. Glenn "Max" McGee said the public should
be patient with the state's educational reform efforts, which began in
earnest several years ago when the state scrapped the old assessment
system for the current, more rigorous one.

"We can't expect changes overnight," McGee said. "But if we maintain
our standards, keep our expectations high and provide students and
schools the necessary support, we will see changes. To think we are
going to see sweeping changes in a year or two is a dream."


One state legislator already is weighing in.

"It's alarming if 40 percent did not pass," said Rep. Monique Davis
(D-Chicago), vice chairwoman of the House Elementary and Secondary
Education Committee.

The disappointing results raise questions about whether the Board of
Education will lower the pass-fail mark for individual tests.

On Tuesday, McGee presented a proposal detailing the recommended
cutoff scores for pass and fail. For instance, a score below 155 on
the writing test would be labeled failing.

The scores in the sample are based on those cutoffs, and state board
members have not yet decided whether to change them. The board could,
for example, set the pass bar lower, which would decrease the
percentage of kids who flunk.

McGee and Gidwitz said they have no plans to do so.

"We have set high standards, and I think we should stick with them,"
McGee said.

Not pointing fingers

While acknowledging the students' poor showing, McGee noted that the
11th graders who took the first mandatory PSAE haven't had much
exposure to the state's new learning goals.

"These kids didn't have the benefit of the learning standards for the
first eight years of their education, and frankly it doesn't surprise
me that these preliminary results are what they are," McGee said.
"This test is a measure of what students have learned up through 11th
grade, and it would be a mistake to point the finger at high schools
and, certainly, [high school] teachers."

McGee and Gidwitz said the state will continue to provide support for
schools struggling to meet the high school standards. But Gidwitz said
that for the most part it's up to local school districts to raise the
achievement levels.

"What we have here is a state where local control runs our schools,"
Gidwitz said. "What we are able to do, to some extent, is secure money
from the state legislature and provide some leadership as to what we
will accept as the standards. We aren't running the schools; local
communities do."


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