What's new at FREE?

     Sixteen new resources in the arts, educational technology,
     language arts, science, social studies, & vocational education
     have been added to the Federal Resources for Educational
     Excellence (FREE) website.  FREE makes it easy for teachers,
     parents, students, & others to find teaching & learning
     resources from more than 40 federal organizations.


     The 16 new resources are described below.


"American Masters: Edward Curtis" offers an essay, timeline, &
other information about this photographer who took more than 40,000
images & recorded rare ethnographic information from over 80
American Indian tribal groups, ranging from the Eskimo or Inuit
people of the far north to the Hopi people of the Southwest.  This
is the companion website for a PBS film about Curtis, "Coming to
Light."  (NEH)

"Cy Twombly: The Sculpture" presents images of 26 sculptures by
this artist who, in the early 1950s, emerged as a prominent figure
among a group of New York artists, including Jasper Johns & Robert
Rauschenberg.  These pieces are rooted in various movements in
modern art, including the dadaist & surrealist traditions of
assemblage & found-object sculpture. (NGA)

"The Unfinished Print" investigates the creative process & the
workings of the artistic imagination as revealed by the unfinished
print.  Studies include works by Rembrandt, Piranesi, Cassatt,
Villon, Gauguin, & others. (NGA)

Educational technology

"Web for Teachers" helps teachers integrate technology into
instruction.  It features various tools for teachers:  one for
creating quizzes that students can take online, another for
organizing & annotating web sites, a third for developing rubrics,
& more.  A webzine presents brain games, web lessons, & stories
about teachers & students using technology. (ED)

Language arts

"Hawthorne in Salem" explores Nathaniel Hawthorne's connection to
Salem, Massachusetts, with a primary focus on "the Custom House
sketch," the first chapter of "The Scarlet Letter."  The site also
presents materials from museums in Salem, as well as lectures &
excerpts from books & articles by leading Hawthorne scholars. (NEH)


"Earth from Space" presents selected photos of features & processes
of the earth, including cities, as seen by astronauts from space. 
Photos are from the NASA Space Shuttle Earth Observations
Photography database, which contains more than 375,000 images.

"A Global View From Space" is an interactive display of real-time
satellite imagery from around the globe. (NASA)

"NASA Earth Observatory" provides new satellite imagery &
scientific information about Earth's climate & environmental
change.  It features stories about the atmosphere, oceans, land,
life, heat & energy, & remote sensing.  Visitors may build & view
animations showing changes in population, vegetation,
precipitation, & other phenomena. (NASA)

"Oceanography from the Space Shuttle" is a pictorial survey of
oceanic phenomenon visible to the naked eye from space.  Originally
published in 1989, it is now out of print & available only on this
website. (NASA)

"SeaWiFS Project" (Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor) provides
data on global ocean bio-optical properties for the earth science
community.  Resources for teachers include a tutorial on ocean
color & slides suggesting how SeaWiFS data can be incorporated into
the curriculum for grades 5-12. (NASA)

Social studies

"Ancestors in the Americas," a companion website for the PBS series
by the same name, explores the history & stories of Asian
Americans.  A timeline shows events that shaped Asian American
history, & a resource section allows further exploration of the
Asian American experience.  The site includes guides with
discussion questions for teachers & an online discussion. (NEH)

"Children in Urban America" shows how children experienced city
life during the last century & a half.  The site features hundreds
of documents & images about children in Milwaukee County,
Wisconsin, drawn from newspapers, government, & other official
records, oral histories & memoirs, & other sources. (NEH)

"Goin' To Chicago," the companion website to a documentary film by
the same title, provides essays, letters, a teachers' guide, &
other information about the migration of African-Americans from the
rural South to the cities of the North & West. (NEH)

"Kate Chopin: A Re-Awakening," the companion website to a
documentary film by the same title, revisits the life & work of
this 19th-century Louisiana author whose story of a woman's self-
realization, "The Awakening," shocked the Victorian establishment 
& devastated her own career. (NEH)

"The Lost Museum" explores P.T. Barnum's American Museum, which
epitomized popular entertainment & education in the U.S. for nearly
a quarter of a century.  The museum -- which also articulated major
issues confronting American culture, society, & politics -- was
destroyed in 1865 in one of the most spectacular fires in New York
City's history. (NEH)

Vocational education

"Educational Opportunity Centers, Inc.," assists adolescents &
adults with career planning, returning to school, researching
career opportunities, & getting a GED.  The Centers also counsel
participants on financial aid options & help in the application
process. (ED)

ED   -- Department of Education
NASA -- National Aeronautics & Space Administration
NEH  -- National Endowment for the Humanities
NGA  -- National Gallery of Art

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