>Date: Sat, 29 Sep 2001 06:33:09 -0400 >From: Mark Francek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> >Subject: 29 September 2001 Earth Science Site of the Week > >Hello, >This week’s “Sites of the Week” feature time, exotic plant invaders, >algal blooms, and tree identification > >“About Daylight Savings Time” by Institute for Dynamic Educational >Advancement (IDEA) gives a complete overview of the rationale for >daylight savings time, dates for the change, and world daylight savings >time patterns. > >http://webexhibits.org/daylightsaving/i.html > >One of the most useful features of the Plant Conservation Alliance's >“Weeds Gone Wild” site is the factsheets that it offers on exotic >aquatics, herbs, vines, shrubs, and trees. These factsheets offer >“illustrated, easy-to-read information on invasive alien plants with >native ranges, plant descriptions, ecological threats, U.S. >distributions & habitats, background of introductions, plant >reproduction & dispersal, management approaches, alternative native >plants, and other useful information.” > >http://www.nps.gov/plants/alien/ > >“The Harmful Algal Bloom Photo Gallery” from the National Office for >Marine Biotoxins and Harmful Algal Blooms archives a number of >interesting pictures, ranging from microscopic to satellite scale, of >harmful algal blooms on the ocean, an example of which is the “red >tide.” > >http://www.redtide.whoi.edu/hab/rtphotos/rtphotos.html > >Although not exhaustive in its coverage, the “What Tree Is It?” page >from the Ohio Public Library Information Network” offers a quick, clean, >graphic rich method for tree identification by fruit, leaf, or name. >Centered on Ohio, the trees archived are mainly restricted to the >Northeast and Midwest. > >http://www.oplin.lib.oh.us/products/tree/ > > These sites are archived at RESOURCES FOR EARTH SCIENCE AND GEOGRAPHY >INSTRUCTION at http://personal.cmich.edu/~franc1m/homepage.htm The >links are organized around the sequence of topics typically taught in an >introductory earth science or physical geography class. Links are also, >available for environmental science, earth science/geography education, >career opportunities, and more. The sites selected are based on image >quality, ease with which lesson plans can be developed, organization, >authenticity, scope, and format. Please contact me at >[EMAIL PROTECTED] to remove yourself from the mailing list, add a >new subscriber, or suggest a site to be listed. > >Thank you, >Mark Francek > > >-- >***************************************** >Mark Francek >Professor of Geography > and Earth Science >Academic Director-Woldt Residential College >Central Michigan University >Mt. Pleasant, MI 48859 > >E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] >Phone: (517) 774 7617 Fax: (517) 774-2907 >Resource Page: http://personal.cmich.edu/~Franc1m/homepage.htm >Office Hours: T 1-2, Th 10-2 >***************************************** > >------------------------------ > >End of VIRTUALCOFFEEROOM Digest - 27 Sep 2001 to 29 Sep 2001 (#2001-61) >*********************************************************************** > >
Janis D. Treworgy [EMAIL PROTECTED] Earth Science Department Phone: 618/374-5294 Principia College Fax: 618/374-5122 Elsah, IL 62028 -- This is the ISTA-talk mailing list. To unsubscribe: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> For more information: <http://www.ista-il.org/ista-talk.asp> To search the archives: <http://www.mail-archive.com/ista-talk@lists.csi.cps.k12.il.us/>