I have taught basic epidemiology to some of my students in the Chicago City Colleges. We go over transmission methods and isolation techniques. I found an article about small pox which is both very enlightening and very scary. My students liked reading it, and they were wide-eyed with questions when it came time to discuss. The article itself appeared in the New Yorker in 1999. Here is a link to it.
http://cryptome.org/smallpox-wmd.htm The article is great from a factual standpoint, but it might be a little too much for some people to handle. One person recently described it me as haunting. Read it before making the decision to let your students see it. The article could be a little alarmist. Other than that, the Museum of Science and Industry has a new learning lab called Outbreak (due to open Nov. 12) which is supposed to deal with topics related to this. It may be a good idea to contact them. Mike Davis Science Theatre Productions ph: 773-343-2500 www.stproductions.net -- This is the ISTA-talk mailing list. To unsubscribe: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> For more information: <http://www.ista-il.org/ista-talk.asp> To search the archives: <http://www.mail-archive.com/ista-talk@lists.csi.cps.k12.il.us/>