>Date:    Sun, 21 Oct 2001 19:18:43 -0400
>From:    Mark Francek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: 20 October 2001 Earth Science Site of the Week
>This week’s “Sites of the Week” feature soils, space imagery, geologic
>time, and light pollution.
>The "Field Book for Describing and Sampling Soils" from the National
>Soil Survey Center staff is in a PDF format (1.6 MB)and is a "field
>guide for making or reading soil descriptions and sampling soils as
>presently practiced in the USA." The widespread use of computerized
>databases requires consistent and "correct" use of terms--this document
>provides fills this need.  The major sections of the document address
>Site Description, Soil Profile Description, Geomorphology, Geology, Soil
>Taxonomy. Anyone interested in properly describing soils needs to
>consult this source.  Although primarily written for the college level,
>the diagrams and descriptions could benefit anyone.
>"Experts Pick: Top 10 Space Science Photos" was a recent article at the
>"space.com" web site that uses "two veteran image pickers to choose the
>pictures they think represent the best, most intriguing, most
>scientifically important space science images ever to come from their
>respective domains." Images include "Pillars of Creation," "Earthrise
>over the Moon," "Volcanoes on Io," and more.
>"Evolution-Deep Time" from PBS uses Flash animations in a timeline bar
>to summarize significant events in geologic history.  Pass your cursor
>over an event and an image and accompanying description appear.  To get
>to this section, click on "skip intro" located on the upper right hand
>portion of the page. Sections also exist for the "origins of humankind,"
>"a modern mass extinction," "life's grand design," and more.
>Frustrated that light pollution detracts from star gazing?  Find out the
>extent of light pollution from Italy's Light Pollution Science and
>Technology Institute; its "The night sky in the World" site uses maps to
>summarize the geography of light pollution.
>INSTRUCTION at http://personal.cmich.edu/~franc1m/homepage.htm  The
>links are organized around the sequence of topics typically taught in an
>introductory earth science or physical geography class. Links are also,
>available for environmental science, earth science/geography education,
>career opportunities, and more. The sites selected are based on image
>quality, ease with which lesson plans can be developed, organization,
>authenticity, scope, and format. Please contact me at
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] to remove yourself from the mailing list, add a
>new subscriber, or suggest a site to be listed.
>Thank you,
>Mark Francek

Janis D. Treworgy               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Earth Science Department        Phone: 618/374-5294
Principia College               Fax: 618/374-5122    
Elsah, IL 62028

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