from the U.S. Department of Education (published in the
     Federal Register) include those related to:

       *  Personnel Preparation to Improve Services & Results For
          Children With Disabilities - CFDA#s 84.325

       *  Migrant & Seasonal Farmworkers Program -- CFDA# 84.128G

     These & other notices can be found at:

     FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION about Department funding
     opportunities, including discretionary grant application
     packages, please see:

     BELOW ARE the purposes, eligible applicants, availability &
     closing dates, available funds, estimated size, & number of
     awards for these programs.  For more complete information &
     the contact individual for each opportunity, please see the
     notice; however, please note that while we *try* to ensure
     that the version on the web & the Federal Register notice are
     the same, the Federal Register notice is the one to consult
     for complete & authoritative information.

  Grant Applications Under Part D, Subpart 2 of the Individuals
  With Disabilities Education Act (Federal Register: October 9,
  2001 [multiple CFDA#s 84.325
==> Special Education: Personnel Preparation to Improve Services &
Results For Children With Disabilities [CFDA 84.325]
    Purpose of Program: The purposes of this program are to (a)
help address State-identified needs for qualified personnel in
special education, related services, early intervention, & regular
education, to work with children with disabilities; & (b) to ensure
that those personnel have the skills & knowledge, derived from
practices that have been determined through research & experience
to be successful, that are needed to serve those children.
    Eligible Applicants: Institutions of higher education are
eligible applicants for Absolute Priorities 1-4 under this program. 
Eligible applicants for Absolute Priority 5, Projects of National
Significance, are: State & local educational agencies; institutions
of higher education; other public agencies; private nonprofit
organizations; outlying areas; freely associated States; & Indian
tribes or tribal organizations.

    Absolute Priority 1: Preparation of Special Education, Related
Services, & Early Intervention Personnel to Serve Infants,
Toddlers, & Children with Low-Incidence Disabilities (84.325A)
    Application available: 10/09/01
    Applications deadline date: 01/11/02
    Maximum award (per year): $300,000
    Estimated number of awards: 30

Absolute Priority 2: Preparation of Leadership Personnel (84.325D)
    Application available: 10/09/01
    Applications deadline date: 01/04/02
    Maximum award (per year): $200,000
    Estimated number of awards: 13

Absolute Priority 3: Preparation of Personnel in Minority
Institutions (84.325D)
    Application available: 10/09/01
    Applications deadline date: 02/01/02
    Maximum award (per year): $200,000
    Estimated number of awards: 16

Absolute Priority 4: Improving the Preparation of  Personnel to
Serve Children with High-Incidence Disabilities (84.325H)
    Application available: 10/09/01
    Applications deadline date: 01/18/02
    Maximum award (per year): $200,000
    Estimated number of awards: 26

Absolute Priority 5: Projects of National Significance (84.325N)
    Application available: 10/09/01
    Applications deadline date: 01/25/02
    Maximum award (per year): $200,000
    Estimated number of awards: 10

    Additional Information: Applicable Regulations, & other
information is available in the Federal Register notice.

Additional information is available online at:

  Migrant & Seasonal Farmworkers Program (Federal Register: October
  30, 2001 [CFDA# 84.128G])
Purpose of Program: To provide grants for vocational rehabilitation
services to individuals with disabilities who are migrant or
seasonal farmworkers, (individuals who have been determined in
accordance with rules prescribed by the Secretary of Labor), & to
the family members who are residing with those individuals (whether
or not those family members are individuals with disabilities).
    Eligible Applicants: State designated agencies; nonprofit
agencies working in collaboration with a State agency; & local
agencies working in collaboration with a State agency.
    Applications Available: November 5, 2001.
    Deadline for Transmittal of Applications: February 5, 2002.
    Estimated Available Funds: $639,498.
    Estimated Range of Awards: $150,000-$170,000.
    Estimated Average Size of Awards: $165,000.
    Estimated Number of Awards: 4.

    Additional Information: Priorities, & other information is
available in the Federal Register notice.

Additional information is available online at:

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