> Someone asked about physics first some time ago... > > -ML We also have some resources at Fermilab that are helpful:
ARISE: American Renaissance in Science Education. Three-year High School Core Curriculum. A Framework. This 1998 white paper presents guidelines that schools and districts can use to develop a three-year integrated curriculum for high school science. A key component of this framework is a first-year emphasis on physics, a second-year emphasis on chemistry, and a third-year emphasis on biology. It is available for download free of charge at <http://www-lib.fnal.gov/archive/1998/tm/TM-2051.html>. The Fermilab ARISE Project In this five-year pilot program, seven schools from northern Illinois worked to develop and implement their own three-year science sequence. The home page for this project is <http://www-ed.fnal.gov/arise/fnal_arise.html>. The State of Physics-First Programs This 2001 report for Project ARISE is a survey of schools that are currently teaching physics-first and a description of issues they face. It also includes two brief case studies of such schools. It is available for download free of charge at <http://fnalpubs.fnal.gov/archive/2001/pub/Pub-01-206.html>. Spencer Pasero Education Program Leader Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory [EMAIL PROTECTED] 630-840-3076 -- This is the ISTA-talk mailing list. To unsubscribe: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> For more information: <http://www.ista-il.org/ista-talk.asp> To search the archives: <http://www.mail-archive.com/ista-talk@lists.csi.cps.k12.il.us/>