>Date:    Sat, 6 Oct 2001 08:18:14 -0400
>From:    Mark Francek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: 6 October 2001 Earth Science Site of the Week
>This week’s “Sites of the Week” feature climate change, water pollution,
>calendars, and pesticides
>>From the Department of Environmental and Geographical Sciences
>Manchester Metropolitan University, England, “The Global Climate Change
>Student Guide” avoids the muddled, hard to navigate interfaces of some
>U.S. sites dealing with climate change.  The authors’ organization and
>pithy descriptions make this a good student reference site for climate
>“What's Up With Our Nation's Waters?”from the EPA, has water pollution
>information for a K-8 audience. Sections exist for how water quality is
>determined, the big three pollutants, pollutant origins, wetlands,
>groundwater, and ideas for science projects.
>“Calendars through the Ages” is an attractive page from WebExhibits that
>looks at the history of calendar development around the world.
>Definitions are provided with special sections devoted to the origin of
>the Christian, Judaic, and Islamic calendars.
>While EPA’s “Pesticides Frequently Asked Questions” doesn’t have lengthy
>answers to such practical questions like “What is a Pesticide?” “How do
>I select a reputable exterminator? “ and “Where can I have my drinking
>water tested for pesticides?” but does have links to more detailed
>INSTRUCTION at http://personal.cmich.edu/~franc1m/homepage.htm  The
>links are organized around the sequence of topics typically taught in an
>introductory earth science or physical geography class. Links are also,
>available for environmental science, earth science/geography education,
>career opportunities, and more. The sites selected are based on image
>quality, ease with which lesson plans can be developed, organization,
>authenticity, scope, and format. Please contact me at
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] to remove yourself from the mailing list, add a
>new subscriber, or suggest a site to be listed.
>Thank you,
>Mark Francek

Janis D. Treworgy               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Earth Science Department        Phone: 618/374-5294
Principia College               Fax: 618/374-5122    
Elsah, IL 62028

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