AAPT Update 2001 Number 9 The following message is from the Executive Office of the American Association of Physics Teachers, College Park, Maryland.
**************CONTENTS******************* 1. BARBARA LOTZE SCHOLARSHIP FOR FUTURE TEACHERS 2. BALLOTS DUE BY NOVEMBER 1 FOR ELECTIONS TO AAPT NATIONAL OFFICE 3. AAPT MEMBER WINS 2001 NOBEL PRIZE FOR PHYSICS 4. AAPT JOB CENTER AT THE 124th AAPT NATIONAL MEETING 5. THE ONLINE NOVEMBER 2001 ISSUE OF AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICS IS NOW AVAILABLE *************************************** 1. BARBARA LOTZE SCHOLARSHIP FOR FUTURE TEACHERS The AAPT Executive Board is offering a $2,000 scholarship for future high-school physics teachers for which all materials, including letters of recommendation, are due by December 1 and will be considered for recommendation at the following January 2002 meeting of the AAPT Executive Board. For more detailed information go to www.aapt.org/pdfs/lotze.pdf. --------------------------------- 2. BALLOTS DUE BY NOVEMBER 1 FOR ELECTION TO AAPT NATIONAL OFFICE Recently, AAPT members should have received ballots in the mail for the 2002 AAPT National Elections. Please take a moment to fill them out and return them by November 1, 2001. For information on the candidates got to http://aapt.org/aaptgeneral/2002candi.html. --------------------------------- 3. AAPT MEMBER WINS 2001 NOBEL PRIZE FOR PHYSICS Congratulations to Carl Wieman of the University of Colorado at Boulder, an AAPT member who is part of a team of physicists who will share the 2001 Nobel Prize for Physics for their work on creating the first Bose-Einstein condensates -the so-called fifth state of matter-in the laboratory. For more detailed information go to http://www.aapt.org/aaptgeneral/wieman.html. --------------------------------- 4. AAPT JOB CENTER AT THE 124th AAPT NATIONAL MEETING The 124th AAPT National Meeting in Philadelphia, PA January 19-23 will feature an on-site job center. For further information go to http://www.aapt.org/job_center/jobs.html. --------------------------------- 5. THE ONLINE NOVEMBER 2001 ISSUE OF AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICS IS NOW AVAILABLE The latest edition of the American Journal of Physics is now available online at http://ojps.aip.org/ajp/. --------------------------------- The AAPT Updates are archived on the AAPT web site at http://www.aapt.org/updates The American Association of Physics Teachers One Physics Ellipse College Park, MD 20740-3845 Voice: 301-209-3300 Fax: 301-209-0845 E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.aapt.org/ http://www.psrc-online.org/ --- You are currently subscribed to aapt-memb as: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To unsubscribe send a blank email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- This is the ISTA-talk mailing list. To unsubscribe: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> For more information: <http://www.ista-il.org/ista-talk.asp> To search the archives: <http://www.mail-archive.com/ista-talk@lists.csi.cps.k12.il.us/>