NSTA Legislative Alert http://www.nsta.org/leghandbook
National Science Teachers Association Legislative Update October 16, 2001 1. House and Senate Move to Complete Education Appropriations Bills 2. ESEA Bill Will Be Finished This Fall, Says Leadership 3. Tech Talent Bill Introduced in Senate 4. Special Task Force Appointed to Review IDEA . 1. House and Senate Move to Complete Education Appropriations Bills A number of significant education-related developments have occurred this past week in Congress. In the House: Last week the House Appropriations Committee (which establishes the funding limits for federal education programs) approved a bipartisan bill that included a record $49.2 billion budget for FY 2002 programs under the U. S. Department of Education. This amount represents a 17 percent increase over 2001 funding level for Department of Education programs ($4.7 billion beyond President Bush's request) and the largest, single-year boost for federal education spending. After the leadership withdrew a controversial abortion amendment headed for this appropriations bill, the full House passed the bill by a vote of 373 to 43. In the Senate: Also last week, the Senate Appropriations Committee marked up its spending bill for Education, Labor, and HHS programs and approved a $48.5 billion budget for FY 2002 federal education programs under the U. S. Department of Education, which also represents a significant increase in education funding. The full Senate is expected to vote on its education appropriations bill sometime next week. **Both the Senate and House appropriations committees based their appropriations bills on the respective Elementary and Secondary Education Act authorization language/programs (S. 1 and H.R. 1) now in conference. This means the appropriations are contingent on the final work now being done to authorize the K-12 programs in H. R. 1, which is still before the conference committee (see below). Teacher training programs, House: Funding for the Teacher Quality programs under Title II did quite well in the House appropriations bill. Title II programs received $3.175 billion; this figure combines the class size reduction program and the Eisenhower professional development state grants, and, in effect, eliminates these specific programs. However, language for the House Title II state grants does mandate that a percentage of funding must be used for state-based Math and Science Partnership programs; it also allows funds to be used for class size reduction. Teacher Training programs, Senate: The appropriations bill okayed by the Senate Appropriations Committee is less generous than the House bill. The Senate allotted $3.040 billion for Title II Teacher Quality programs (which also combines the current class size reduction program and the Eisenhower state grants). However, unlike the House bill, this bill contains no language that mandates that Title II funds must be used for math and science. Instead, the Senate Appropriations Committee funded the Math and Science Partnerships program at only $25 million. This is in huge contrast to the $900 million the Senate ESEA authorizing committee requested to fund these Math and Science Partnerships. **At this time it is unclear how this scenario will play out. Congressional staffers have told NSTA that education leaders still have a strong commitment to science and math education. Prior to the full Senate vote of the education appropriations (expected soon), teachers are urged to contact their Senators with this message: **Guarantee the highest possible funding for the Math and Science Partnerships in the education appropriations bill.** To telephone, call the U. S. Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121; ask to be connected with your Senator(s) office. For emails to the Senate, go to www.senate.gov/contacting/index_by_state.cfm. Funding for other key K-12 education programs is as follows: Title I programs (total): House: $12.5 billion; Senate committee: $11.8 billion Title II, Teacher Quality: House: $3.175 billion; Senate committee: $3.040 billion 21st Century Community Learning Centers: House: $1 billion; Senate committee: $1 billion Technology for Education: House: $1 billion; Senate committee: $1 billion Safe and Drug Free Schools: House: $644 million; Senate committee: $442 million Bilingual and Immigrant programs: House: $700 million; Senate committee: $516 million Charter Schools: House: $200 million; Senate committee: $250 million Special Education (total): House: $8.8 billion; Senate committee: $8.1 billion In addition, recent media reports are indicating that Senator Edward Kennedy (D-MA) is looking for even more new funding for education, possibly as part of an economic stimulus package under consideration. Republican reaction to the plan is described as "cool." We will keep you updated as further developments warrant. 2. ESEA Authorization Bill To Be Completed, Says Leadership Meanwhile, in the other Congressional corner, leaders of H. R. 1, the bill to reauthorize (rewrite) the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, maintain they will complete the bill this year amid criticisms from leading state groups. Conferees have met once since the September 11 attacks, and are scheduled to meet again later today. However, the leaders of the H. R.1 conference-Senator Ted Kennedy (D-MA), Senator Judd Gregg (R-NH), Rep. George Miller (-D-CA), and Rep. John Boehner (R-OH)--are meeting privately to hammer out differences between the two bills. These differences include testing and accountability (how to define failing schools), funding (level of funding needed) and flexibility of the programs. But currently a blackout exists on any conference information and the agreements reached, which is frustrating a number of groups. In a letter to conferees, the National Governors Association writes "As those who bear the greatest responsibility for implementing any changes enacted by Congress, we would hope there would be full consultation with the nation's Governors prior to any agreements on key issues. Governors want to ensure the success of any Congressional action, so such consultation will be critical for any new law to work." The National Council of State Legislatures is even more blunt in its criticism of H. R. 1. In a letter to conferees, the group says that parts of both S. 1 (the Senate bill) and H. R. 1 are "seriously and perhaps irreparably flawed . . . State budgets, particularly those dependent on sales taxes, are reeling from the recent economic downturn. A similar impact is likely on federal receipts and appropriations, decreasing the likelihood that appropriation levels in education legislation will offset the financial burdens imposed by its mandates. We fear that compliance with the federal mandates may be undercut unless states severely reduce other vital areas of their budgets . . . Improvements to ESEA should not be made at the expense of our state priorities and initiatives." The four education leaders met briefly with the President, and the Committee on Education and the Workforce released a statement reaffirming Rep. Boehner's belief that they are moving closer to a strong bipartisan conference report, and staying focused on getting the bill done right. Substantial differences also exist between the House and Senate versions of the new Math and Science Partnerships. Details about what the final Partnerships initiative will look like are also part of the "information blackout" and are not being shared with interested groups. However, NSTA has received assurances that the federal government is very much committed to science and math education. Also this past week, NSTA joined the American Chemical Society and other education and science groups in sponsoring an ad that appeared in the Capitol Hill publication Roll Call. (To see the ad, go to www.nsta.org/main/pdfs/rollcallad.pdf.) As always, additional information will be sent to Legislative Update members when events warrant. 3. Tech Talent Bill Introduced in Senate A bipartisan, bicameral (across the two legislative chambers) group of lawmakers has introduced the Tech Talent Bill: legislation aimed at increasing the number of scientists, engineers, and technologists in the United States. The bill seeks to establish a three-year, $25 million grant program at NSF that will encourage colleges, universities, and community colleges to increase the number of students seeking degrees in science, math, engineering, or technology fields. The legislation was introduced in the Senate by Senators Lieberman (D-CT), Mikulski (D-MD), Bond (R-MO), Frist (R-TN) and Domenici (R-NM) and in the House by House Science Chair Sherwood Boehlert (R-NY), and Representative John Larson (D-CT). 4. Special Task Force Appointed to Review Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) President Bush has created a special commission to "collect information and study issues related to federal, state, and local special education programs, with the goal of recommending policies for improving the education performance of students with disabilities." The Commission will submit a report by April 30, 2002 containing its findings and recommendations, along with the reasons why the costs of special education have grown and ways the federal government can assist states and local districts with students with disabilities. Former Iowa Governor Terry Edward Branstand will head the commission. Congress is scheduled to reauthorize IDEA next year; this year, however, many Senate Democrats are insisting that additional funding be incorporated into the ESEA bill so the federal government can meet its commitment to fund 40 percent of IDEA (currently, the federal government provides only about 17 percent of the cost toward providing a free and appropriate education to disabled students). If you have questions or concerns about any of the information provided above, please contact Jodi Peterson at NSTA, [EMAIL PROTECTED] The NSTA Legislative Update is sent out periodically, as needed, when Congress is in session. To join the free NSTA Legislative Update, send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Please include your e-mail address, name, and state. If your address changes or if you want to unsubscribe, send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] For more information on NSTA, or to become a member, visit our website at www.nsta.org. -- This is the ISTA-talk mailing list. 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