At 3:05 PM -0500 8/19/02, Matt wrote:
>I tried simply saying pdf.setMargins(72, 72, 72, 72), but
>I ran into an interesting problem:  When I open my PDFs in Acrobat, they
>look fine, but when they print out, the margins are changed.  I found that
>although the document size was PageSize.LETTER, and my printer was printing
>it at 8.5x11, it was considered 'oversized' because the printable area of
>the printer is not quite 8.5x11in.  To compensate, something (Acrobat,
>Windows, printer driver, ...) was scaling them, and applying a margin.

        Sounds like the user (you?) has one of the "Scale to Fit" 
options enabled in the Acrobat printing dialog.  Turn them off.

Leonard Rosenthol                            <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Chief Technical Officer                      <>
PDF Sages, Inc.                              215-629-3700 (voice)
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