At 09:54 AM 6/6/2003 +0800, =?gb2312?B?wO7277PM?= wrote:
I want to encrypt a pdf file use my security handler.How can I use iText?May I change you source code and how?

        You would indeed need to modify the code in PdfEncryption to encrypt using your own algorithm and write your specific info into the /Encrypt dictionary - much like what you'd do from your Acrobat plugin, but at a MUCH lower level.

I want to add a watermark to a pdf file,how can I not lost the outlines information?

        Not at this time with iText.


Leonard Rosenthol                            <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Chief Technical Officer                      <>
PDF Sages, Inc.                              215-629-3700 (voice)

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