2008/2/20, 1T3XT info <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Stephan Michels wrote:
> > I made following screenshots to show the problem:
> I'm not sure what I'm supposed to see.
> In one screen there's a thicker border than in the other three
> screens. I guess that's your problem, but... I don't know what
> you are doing.

Yes, the thicker border is an additional problem.

The problem is that you see different colors in the second screenshot
than I have used to generate the PDF. You see the desired output on
the right side within Evince.

> Have you read the following remark about transparency:
> http://www.nabble.com/Re%3A-PDFStamper%3A-Color-of-text-in-PDF-changes-when-replacing-button-with-PNG-Image-p15485315.html

Good point, that the Acrobat Reader changes the colors to the CMYK
color space was one of my assumptions.

Hmm, so what can I do? How I can prevent that the Acrobat Reader
change to the CMYK color space?

Stephan Michels.

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