Sorry to the list if you see this question twice.  I previously posted
this message yesterday, but hasn't shown up on the list yet, so I'll
try it again.

I've used the iText Java API to create a PDF with several images.  Now
I'd like to write a unit test to verify my image placement logic.   I
used Image.setAbsolutePosition to set the image when I initially
created the PDF.  Now how do I get the position of that image when I
reopen the PDF?   I know I can get the height and width of
images with something like this:

    PdfReader pdfReader = new PdfReader("mytestdoc.pdf");

    for (int i = 0; i < reader.getXrefSize(); i++)
       PdfObject pdfobj = reader.getPdfObject(i);

       if (pdfobj != null && pdfobj.isStream())
          PdfStream stream = (PdfStream) pdfobj;
          PdfObject pdfsubtype = stream.get(PdfName.SUBTYPE);
          if (pdfsubtype != null &&
             int height = ((PdfNumber) stream.get(PdfName.HEIGHT)).intValue();
             int width = ((PdfNumber) stream.get(PdfName.WIDTH)).intValue();

             System.err.println("image width/height: " + width + ","+ height);



But how do I find the "x" and "y" of the image?

Thanks..............                 Larry

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