A Widget annotation does NOT have be an AcroForm field - it can just be an 
annotation on the page.   (granted, that would be strange and probably not very 
useful - but it's perfectly legal).


-----Original Message-----
From: Paulo Soares [mailto:psoa...@glintt.com] 
Sent: Monday, November 23, 2009 10:06 AM
To: Post all your questions about iText here
Subject: Re: [iText-questions] AcroForm with empty Fields array

I'm not sure if I understand all this. It's legal to have fields that only 
exist as widgets but don't have an entry in the field array in acroforms? 

The pdf reference says about the /Fields entry in acroforms:

(Required) An array of references to the document's root fields (those with no 
ancestors in the field hierarchy).

I think that Leonard was refering to widgets as a way to show an appearance but 
not actual fields.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Gylfi Ingvason [mailto:gylfi.ingva...@solimarsystems.com]
> Sent: Monday, November 23, 2009 2:53 PM
> To: 'Leonard Rosenthol'; 'Post all your questions about iText here'
> Subject: Re: [iText-questions] AcroForm with empty Fields array
> Thanks Leonard.
> Since that is the case, I would suggest that the flatten form code in 
> the PdfStamper be amended to take that into account.
> Paulo/Bruno would you agree?
> I'm not familiar with the code that does this, but I'd be happy to try 
> to tackle it and submit the changes for review if that's what it 
> takes.
> Gylfi
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Leonard Rosenthol [mailto:lrose...@adobe.com]
> Sent: Saturday, November 21, 2009 5:28 PM
> To: gylfi.ingva...@solimarsystems.com; Post all your questions about 
> iText here
> Subject: RE: [iText-questions] AcroForm with empty Fields array
> There is nothing that says that all Widget annotations have 
> to be listed in
> the Fields array - they can just be regular annotations.  
> It's weird, but
> not illegal.
> Leonard
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Gylfi Ingvason [mailto:gylfi.ingva...@solimarsystems.com]
> Sent: Thursday, November 19, 2009 2:47 PM
> To: itext-questions@lists.sourceforge.net
> Subject: [iText-questions] AcroForm with empty Fields array
> Gents,
> I use PdfStamper to flatten forms/free text and then 
> typically perform other
> operations using either PdfWriter or PdfCopy. This has been 
> working fine
> until recently when a customer complained that text fields in 
> an AcroForm
> were missing after flattening the form.
> Upon investigating, I found that the Fields array of the 
> AcroForm was empty.
> The form does not get flattened because PdfStamper thinks 
> there is nothing
> to do. To my surprise, neither Acrobat nor the FoxIt Reader 
> complain about
> this - presumably because the Widget Annot is referenced by 
> the Page object.
> Enclosed is a small file that I created by iText to 
> illustrate the problem.
> I have deliberately erased the contents of the Fields array 
> (it was '3 0 R')
> of the AcroForm (object 7) to simulate the user data.
> Here's the interesting part - not only does the file display 
> fine, but if
> you use Acrobat to extract that page, it is smart enough to properly
> re-construct the Fields array in the process.
> This brings up a couple of questions:
> 1. Is it valid to not reference Widget Annots in a Form and 
> expect them to
> work?
> The spec seem unambiguous to me that it isn't valid (see PDF 
> 32000-1:2008
> pg. 431: "Fields - (Required) An array of references to the 
> document's root
> fields (those with no ancestors in the field hierarchy)."). 
> Chapter 15 of
> Bruno's book seems to indicate that as well, but perhaps I'm missing
> something.
> 2. What would be the best approach to deal with a form with 
> an empty Fields
> array, such that the text gets flattened, assuming that this is legal?
> I have conveyed to the customer that I consider the file 
> damaged and he
> should get better tools, but it is hard to argue against 
> things like this
> where Acrobat gives no sign of anything being wrong. Thus, a 
> third question:
> 3. Would it be reasonable to patch the iText code such that 
> form flattening
> takes place on Annots not referenced in the Fields array of the form?
> Best regards,
> Gylfi

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