On 16/11/2010 19:34, Chris Ulbright wrote:
> As far as I know I am a member of this listserve?
> My previous message was "held" because:
>      Post by non-member to a members-only list
> Did I somehow get unsubscribed?

I don't know. I just checked the administrative
interface and I didn't find your e-mail address.

Do you receive mail from the list?
If so, did you perhaps register with another
address of which the messages are forwarded
to the address you use in the From: of your message?

Or are you perhaps registered on another service
(such as Nabble) instead of to the actual mailing list?

In any case, your mail was accepted and forwarded to the list.
Please post another question if there's a problem registering at
or posting to the mailing list. I'm at Devoxx http://devoxx.com
all week, but I'll try to answer as soon as possible.
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