Op 13/01/2011 18:34, liliya woland schreef:
Hello all,
I'm helping someone to get pdfs created with itext and we're having the following issue. We downloaded iText-5.0.5 jar file.

In December 2009, we jumped from iText 2.1.7 to iText 5.0.0.
Why did we skip version numbers 3 and 4?
-> To sync with the version numbers or iTextSharp
-> Because we moved to Java 5
We also changed the license to AGPL and we replaced com.lowagie by com.itextpdf, so that developers, if they upgraded, they noticed that this was a major release
involving plenty of changes.

I refer to the libs in my code with notation starting with "import com.lowagie".

You're using iText 2.1.7 or an older version.
These versions are no longer supported.

But this notation doesn't work for him, instead he needs to use "import com.itextpdf" on his machine for files to compile.

That's better!

It bring up 2 questions:
How could iText-5.0.5.jar could have these variations?

It doesn't.
You're using an old iText version; your colleague is using a new version.

I'm using import com.lowagie.text.Font lib for text formatting, but with "import com.itextpdf" path reference to "import com.itextpdf.text.Font;" fails miserably, we tried a veriety of things. But other references are fine, like "import com.itextpdf.text.Document;" or "import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfWriter;". We need that Font lib. If anyone knows and could tell us how to reference .text.Font for com.itextpdf collection, we'll be deeply thankful.

I think you have a reference to an old version somewhere.
import com.itextpdf.text.Font
works with iText 5.0.5 on a system that is properly configured.
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