Appligent's Redax product is available for server-side usage 

iText is not really suited for doing redaction as it doesn't have a concept of 
editing page content (only reading it).

From: Sailesh K <<>>
Reply-To: Sailesh K <<>>, Post 
Date: Wed, 19 Oct 2011 05:03:01 -0700
To: Sailesh K <<>>, Post here 
Subject: Re: [iText-questions] redaction using itext

Doing some basic research looks like this better done with appligent or using 
acrobat javascript.
We would like this done on the server side rather than via javascript on the 
client side.

Is it possible to execute a javascript from itext on a batch of pdf's to redact 
specific content?

From: Sailesh K <<>>
Sent: Wednesday, October 19, 2011 7:53 AM
Subject: [iText-questions] redaction using itext

Can I actually Redact portions of a document using itext? how do I go about it?
Any examples in the book?


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