

 Are you using a documented attribute to set those names? Or these are
custom attributes?


  How are you setting those atributes? I mean how the function call looks
like? IupSetAttribute(in, ???, ???)


  Is this a IupList or a IupTree element?





From: Sławomir Błauciak [mailto:q009q...@gmail.com] 
Sent: sexta-feira, 16 de novembro de 2012 08:52
To: IUP discussion list.
Subject: [Iup-users] Iup list items don't keep their additional attributes


Hello there!


I just noticed that IUP list items don't keep their attributes.

Imagine I have a list with following items, each of the item has attribute
named "TARGID"


item1 TARGID = -1

item2 TARGID = 0

item3 TARGID = 1


Now, I remove item2, so, the list should look like this:


item1 TARGID = -1

item3 TARGID = 1


But actually no, it has the TARGID of 0, which was the attribute of second
item before


Now I'm not sure whether it's a bug or just something that's not implemented
yet or I'm simply doing something wrong.

I hope you can help me

Thanks in advance

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