On 1/13/17, Andrew Robinson <arobinso...@cox.net> wrote:
> You have clearly never programmed for the iPhone or iPad before.
> nil is an object.
> null is a delimiter, usually used in null terminated strings or the value of
> a
> parameter.
> Don't waste my time.

It's clear to me you are terribly confused on the fundamentals. You
are certainly confused on the difference between the Cocoa frameworks
and the Swift language. You also have shown little understanding of
Objective-C. And you continue to demonstrate you don't understand how
a backend works and the responsibilities a backend takes to hide
implementation details and enforce public API contracts.

I've been doing Cocoa for nearly 15 years. I've been a contributor to
open source projects such as SDL and OpenSceneGraph to help improve
the Apple platform support. I wrote the worlds first full featured
Obj-C language bridge to Lua, LuaCocoa. I'm a published author for
Apress for the book Beginning iPhone Games Development. I've worked
with companies building Mac and iOS products. I had the privilege of
working on two commercial SDKs that allowed thousands of developers to
create iOS and Android apps that were used by millions of people. And
I already published a runnable prototype for IUP for both Mac and iOS
which doesn't flip out on these problems you've tried to invent.

I suspect the others reading this thread will be able to figure out
which one of us knows what they are talking about.

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