>  But IupMatrix also exports its own callbacks. For instance, you can use the 
> CLICK_CB or RELEASE_CB callbacks to >implement a popup menu.
Ok, many thanks.

Ranier Vilela

Em seg., 3 de ago. de 2020 às 13:47, Ranier Vilela 
<ranier_...@hotmail.com<mailto:ranier_...@hotmail.com>> escreveu:
Hi Scuri,

The are some new issues with IUP.

1. With 2DDirectX enabled  (with theme manifest actived)
DatePick control not is drawed with same height of IupText.
Must be fixed by set SIZE to "200x11", by example.

2. With 2DDirectX enabled (with theme manifest actived)
(a) Size Windows, not the same with GDI sizes.
(b) When set with:
            IupSetAttribute(dlg, "PLACEMENT", "MAXIMIZED");
But, when restore with:
IupSetAttribute(dlg, "PLACEMENT", "NORMAL");
windows size is totally wrong (too smal).

3. IupMatrix BUTTON_CB, is exported?
To implement PopUp menu context, need this:

    IupSetCallback(mat, "__OLD_BUTTON_CB", (Icallback) IupGetCallback(mat, 
    IupSetCallback(mat, "BUTTON_CB", (Icallback) iup_popupmenu_button_cb);

To call original action BUTTON_CB.
What is different from traditional callbacks?

Ranier Vilela

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