Hi Baptiste,

On 19.05.2015 16:16, Baptiste Durand wrote:
Hi Leon,

The issue is due to wrong MACHINE_HWCODEC set.
Indeed Tizen use Gstreamer 1.0 not gstreamer  0.10
So please cherry pick this commit from master branch of intel and apply it to dizzy.

Thank you for the valuable feedback. Dizzy is the code name of Yocto project 1.7 which was released in October 2014. The latest version Fido, Yocto project 1.8, was released in April. Applying any changes to Intel meta layer for Dizzy may have a negative impact on people who already use it with the same release of Poky.

In my opinion the issue that we are facing with MinnowBoard MAX is specific for “Tizen on Yocto” and I suggest to apply a change of the codecs through conf/local.conf and to describe it at our Wiki article. I am doing a clear build of Tizen:Common from scratch with Yocto for intel-corei7-64 and I will report the results when it is ready.

Best regards,


commit dcb2710376c832d3a450748f997b6fc5c13a82f7
Author: Ross Burton <ross.bur...@intel.com <mailto:ross.bur...@intel.com>>
Date:   Fri Feb 27 18:00:36 2015 +0000

    intel-core*: use gstreamer-vaapi-1.0 directly instead of gst-va-intel

No need for a layer of indirection when that layer only has one option.
    Previously with EMGD there was a choice, but not anymore.

Signed-off-by: Ross Burton <ross.bur...@intel.com <mailto:ross.bur...@intel.com>> Signed-off-by: Darren Hart <dvh...@linux.intel.com <mailto:dvh...@linux.intel.com>>

diff --git a/conf/machine/intel-core2-32.conf b/conf/machine/intel-core2-32.conf
index 699d757..2b79165 100644
--- a/conf/machine/intel-core2-32.conf
+++ b/conf/machine/intel-core2-32.conf
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ MACHINE_FEATURES += "va-impl-intel"
 MACHINE_FEATURES += "wifi 3g"
 MACHINE_FEATURES += "intel-ucode"

-MACHINE_HWCODECS ?= "va-intel gst-va-intel"
+MACHINE_HWCODECS ?= "va-intel gstreamer-vaapi-1.0"

 MACHINE_EXTRA_RRECOMMENDS += "linux-firmware"

diff --git a/conf/machine/intel-corei7-64.conf b/conf/machine/intel-corei7-64.conf
index d3da826..491ef04 100644
--- a/conf/machine/intel-corei7-64.conf
+++ b/conf/machine/intel-corei7-64.conf
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ MACHINE_FEATURES += "va-impl-intel"
 MACHINE_FEATURES += "wifi 3g"
 MACHINE_FEATURES += "intel-ucode"

-MACHINE_HWCODECS ?= "va-intel gst-va-intel"
+MACHINE_HWCODECS ?= "va-intel gstreamer-vaapi-1.0"

 MACHINE_EXTRA_RRECOMMENDS += "linux-firmware lms8"



2015-05-19 10:07 GMT+02:00 Leon Anavi <leon.an...@konsulko.com <mailto:leon.an...@konsulko.com>>:

    Hi Sami, Kevin,

    I saw that several months ago you were discussing an issue related
    to gst-ffmpeg while building Tizen image using Yocto for
    MinnowBoard. According to your comments gst-ffmpeg is not part of
    Tizen images but no solution has been posted.

    Recently I experienced the same issue with gst-ffmpeg recipes
    while I building Tizen:Common and IVI images for machine:
    intel-corei7-64 and would like to share my solution.

    I found out that gst-ffmpeg is involved by recipes for Intel
    specific hardware codecs. The following line has to be added to
    conf/local.conf to remove the hardware codecs and not to encounter
    the errors related to gst-ffmpeg:

    MACHINE_HWCODECS_remove = "va-intel gst-va-intel
    gst-va-intel-general gst-va-intel-video gst-va-intel-vaapi"

    I have described this approach at Tizen wiki article for
    MinnowBoard MAX as well as at the corresponding bug report in JIRA:

    Best regards,

-- Leon Anavi
    Software Engineer
    Mob :+359 88 527 7901  <tel:%2B359%2088%20527%207901>
    konsulko.com  <http://konsulko.com>

    Dev mailing list
    d...@lists.tizen.org <mailto:d...@lists.tizen.org>

Baptiste DURAND
Eurogiciel Vannes/FR

Leon Anavi
Software Engineer
Mob : +359 88 527 7901

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