
I'm sorry if this is a FAQ, but I searched the Wiki and couldn't answer
this question. Right now ivtv is developed separately from the mainline
kernel. Are there any plans (and ETAs) for merging it in mainline ?

My past experience with out-of-tree drivers have been nothing short of
disastrous. It seems a cool idea at first (isolating changes) but it
always ends up in train wrecks with either the out-of-tree project
fading from relevance (openswan) or years of painful merging (alsa).
This was true in 2.4 and is even more true in 2.6 with its fast change
rate (some of which like latency work directly relevant to HTPC use).

And in the meanwhile if there is a single problem the out-of-tree
developers accuse mainline of changing things behind their feet, and
mainline developers accuse out-of-tree of not staying in sync with
mainline changes (sync which would have been automatic with a marged
driver). And the end-user who cares little about which fault it is is
left with a broken system.

So before I invest in hardware that requires ivtv to work, I'd like to
know if a merge is been worked on or if the ivtv team decided not to
bother with merging, and offload code sync problems on users. If a merge
is planned with clear milestones and people working on it I'm ready to
put up with out-of-tree problems for some time. If not I'll just choose
hardware with a merged/being-merged driver.

I value my time too much to put up with the hassles out-of-tree drivers


Nicolas Mailhot

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