On Mon, 2005-11-21 at 23:00 +0100, Hans Verkuil wrote:
> > The first drawback can be countered by the fact that ivtv is still an
> > unofficial driver with a 0.x version number. People using it should
> > expect some changes every now and then. (So I hope to get this change
> > accepted before ivtv is included in the main kernel).
> It won't be before 2.6.17 at the earliest before ivtv is in shape for 
> such a step. And this is very optimistic indeed.
But it is the working goal right now, even if it is a fairly long term
> >
> > The second drawback is just an extra motivation for people to update
> > their kernel, so I wouldn't take it too serious.
> >
> > If people have no big objections I will implement a patch that does
> > these changes and post it here.
> Sure! Please make a ticket for it and attach the patch 
> (ivtvdriver.org/trac). That way it isn't lost in the noise.
I assume I make the patch against trunk? or 0.5.0?
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > Sigmund A. Helberg
> >
> > P.S the README.devices say the maximum number of cards is 12. We
> > failed even booting with more than 8, is this because of the pvr350
> > itself, or is it a problem with the chipset on our box? Someone
> > mentioned something about lacking interrupt sharing.
> Interrupt sharing should work fine. Does the boot fail as soon as the 
> ivtv driver is loaded? If it's before that then it has nothing to do 
> with ivtv. 
We managed to go from 5 to 8 cards by modifing the driver, so the
problem with more than 8 cards is definitly not in the driver. I have
not personally tried this excersice (and will not be able to,
unfortunatly), but from what I understand it did not even get past POST.
> And how do you manage to cram more than 8 pvr350 cards into 
> one PC?
Very simply by using a pc with more than 8 pci slots.
>  Note that the ivtv-fb driver is probably buggy when used with 
> more than 1 PVR350 (globals in the driver, haven't gotten around to 
> removing them), so you shouldn't load that one.
We haven't used it at least, if "modprobe ivtv" will drag it in as well
it is probably some there, but I don't think it is


>       Hans
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