Hi all, I've noticed what seems to be a discrepancy with the
multi-project tutorial.  If I do a "publish-local" in one of
the projects (say, "sizewhere" the place where the artifacts
are published looks like this:


note that the organisation is part of the path that gets created.

But, in the common.xml, in the "clean-local" task, the "delete"
doesn't specify the organisation as part of the path, so nothing
is ever deleted on a "clean-local" (since the actual path that it's
trying to delete doesn't exist):

 <target name="clean-local" description="--> cleans the local repository
for the current module">
          <delete dir="${ivy.local.default.root}/${ant.project.name}"/>

I modified my copy of common.xml as follows and this seems to work.  Not
sure if this was what was intended to be in the tutorial or not, but
this works:

 <target name="clean-local" description="--> cleans the local repository
for the current module">
          <ivy:info file="${basedir}/ivy.xml" />


Phillip Rhodes
Chief Architect - OpenQabal

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