Hi Scott,

You want to call getName() on the XSAttributeDeclaration. You're currently 
printing out the name (i.e. xs:token) of its [type definition].


Michael Glavassevich
XML Parser Development
IBM Toronto Lab

Scott Hinkelman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 03/01/2007 03:29:23 PM:

> Hi,
> I am learning and trying to process, or print out for my 
> understanding, the following simple schema contain 1 complex type 
> with 1 attribute. My problem is I have yet to be able to print out 
> the name, "languageLocaleID", of the attribute.
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"; xmlns:cct="
> urn:un:unece:uncefact:documentation:standard:CoreComponentType:2" 
> urn:un:unece:uncefact:documentation:standard:
> CoreComponentsTechnicalSpecification:2" targetNamespace="urn:un:
> unece:uncefact:documentation:standard:CoreComponentType:2" 
> ="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified" version="2.0">
> <xsd:complexType name="TextType">
> <xsd:simpleContent>
> <xsd:extension base="xsd:string">
> <xsd:attribute name="languageLocaleID" type="xsd:token" use="optional"/>
> </xsd:extension>
> </xsd:simpleContent>
> </xsd:complexType>
> </xsd:schema>
> Here is the fundamental code I am using, starting with a method 
> which takes the complex type, Sorry for the length, but my question 
> is where should I call getName() to obtain " "languageLocaleID" ?
> I obtain the Attr Uses from the complex type, get the Attr Decl from
> the Attr Use, and then the SimpleType from the Attr Decl - but 
> nowhere an I getting the name. I am using xerces 2_9_0.
> private void processCTD(XSComplexTypeDefinition ctd) {
> System.out.println("\nprocessing complex type <"+ctd.getName()+">");
> //get the Attribute Uses fro the complex type
> XSObjectList xsol=ctd.getAttributeUses();
> System.out.println("Number of Attribute Uses...."+xsol.getLength());
> for(int j=0;j<xsol.getLength();j++){
> XSAttributeUse attruse = (XSAttributeUse)xsol.item(j);
> System.out.println("attr use ns: "+attruse.getNamespace());
> System.out.println("attr use name: "+attruse.getName());
> System.out.println("attr use nsItem: "+attruse.getNamespaceItem());
> System.out.println("attr use type: "+ attruse.getType());
> System.out.println("attr use required: "+attruse.getRequired());
> System.out.println("attr use constraint value: "+attruse.
> getConstraintValue());//null?
> short consttype=attruse.getConstraintType();//Value Constraint: one 
> of default, fixed.
> try{
> Object actualvc=attruse.getActualVC();//Value Constraint: Binding 
> specific actual constraint value or null if the value is in error or
> there is no value constraint.
> if(actualvc!=null){
> System.out.println("attr use actual value constrint: 
> }
> }catch(XSException e){ 
> e.printStackTrace();
> }
> try{
> short actualvalctype=attruse.getActualVCType();//The actual 
> constraint value built-in datatype, e.g. STRING_DT, SHORT_DT. If the
> type definition of this value is a list type definition, this method
> returns LIST_DT. If the type definition of this value is a list type
> definition whose item type is a union type definition, this method 
> returns LISTOFUNION_DT. To query the actual constraint value of the 
> list or list of union type definitions use itemValueTypes. If the 
> actualNormalizedValue is null, this method returns UNAVAILABLE_DT .
> }catch(XSException e){
> e.printStackTrace();
> }
> try{
> ShortList sl=attruse.getItemValueTypes();//In the case the actual 
> constraint value represents a list, i.e. the actualValueType is 
> LIST_DT, the returned array consists of one type kind which 
> represents the itemType. If the actual constraint value represents a
> list type definition whose item type is a union type definition, i.
> e. LISTOFUNION_DT, for each actual constraint value in the list the 
> array contains the corresponding memberType kind. For examples, see 
> ItemPSVI.itemValueTypes.
> if(sl!=null){
> for(j=0;j<sl.getLength();j++){
> short sh=sl.item(j);
> System.out.println("attr use short: "+sh);
> }
> }
> }catch(XSException e){
> e.printStackTrace();
> }
> //get the declaration for the attribute use
> XSAttributeDeclaration attrdecl=attruse.getAttrDeclaration();
> //[attribute declaration]: provides the attribute declaration 
> itself, which will in turn determine the simple type definition used.
> short contype=attrdecl.getConstraintType();//Value constraint: one 
> String sconvalue=attrdecl.getConstraintValue();//Value constraint: 
> The constraint value with respect to the [type definition], otherwise 
> System.out.println("attr decl value: "+sconvalue);//null ?
> try{
> Object obj=attrdecl.getActualVC();//Value Constraint: Binding 
> specific actual constraint value or null if the value is in error or
> there is no value constraint.
> }catch(XSException e){
> //XSException - NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR: Raised if the implementation does
> not support this method.
> e.printStackTrace();
> }
> try{
> short avalvct=attrdecl.getActualVCType();//The actual constraint 
> value built-in datatype, e.g. STRING_DT, SHORT_DT. If the type 
> definition of this value is a list type definition, this method 
> returns LIST_DT. If the type definition of this value is a list type
> definition whose item type is a union type definition, this method 
> returns LISTOFUNION_DT. To query the actual constraint value of the 
> list or list of union type definitions use itemValueTypes. If the 
> actualValue is null, this method returns UNAVAILABLE_DT.
> }catch(XSException e){
> //XSException - NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR: Raised if the implementation does
> not support this method.
> e.printStackTrace();
> }
> try{
> ShortList sl2=attrdecl.getItemValueTypes();//In the case the actual 
> constraint value represents a list, i.e. the actualValueType is 
> LIST_DT, the returned array consists of one type kind which 
> represents the itemType. If the actual constraint value represents a
> list type definition whose item type is a union type definition, i.
> e. LISTOFUNION_DT, for each actual constraint value in the list the 
> array contains the corresponding memberType kind. For examples, see 
> ItemPSVI.itemValueTypes.
> }catch(XSException e){
> //XSException - NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR: Raised if the implementation does
> not support this method.
> e.printStackTrace();
> }
> XSSimpleTypeDefinition std= attrdecl.getTypeDefinition();//[type 
> definition]: A simple type definition.
> System.out.println("attr decl ns: "+std.getNamespace());
> System.out.println("attr decl name: "+std.getName());
> System.out.println("attr decl nsItem: "+std.getNamespaceItem());
> System.out.println("attr decl type: "+std.getType());
> StringList slist=std.getLexicalEnumeration();
> System.out.println("attr decl simple type lexical enum stringlist 
> length "+slist.getLength());
> for(int k=0;k<slist.getLength();k++){
> String str=slist.item(k);
> System.out.println("a string list item: "+str);
> }
> slist=std.getLexicalPattern();
> System.out.println("attr decl simple type lexical patterns 
> stringlist length "+slist.getLength());
> for(int k=0;k<slist.getLength();k++){
> String str=slist.item(k);
> System.out.println("a string list item: "+str);
> }
> }
> }
> My output from this function is:
> processing complex type <TextType>
> Number of Attribute Uses....1
> attr use ns: null
> attr use name: null
> attr use nsItem: null
> attr use type: 4
> attr use required: false
> attr use constraint value: null
> attr decl value: null
> attr decl ns: http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema
> attr decl name: token
> attr decl nsItem: null
> attr decl type: 3
> attr decl simple type lexical enum stringlist length 0
> attr decl simple type lexical patterns stringlist length 0
> Any help on the correct way to obtain or process the attribute is 
> appreciated. Thank you.
> Scott R. Hinkelman

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