To whom it might concern, 
We have developed a Java programme using the xercesImpl.jar in order to 
developed an XML file from data stored in Oracle Database. 
In the database, we have normal and HTML text (including HTML tags), both 
informations should be included in the XML file. When we include HTML text, the 
class transform the text into XML characters (for example: <BR> changed to 
&lt;BR&lt;), and we are not interested in this transformation. We would like to 
maintain the HTML text in the XML file. 
An example of the source code uses is:
//Create a XML Document

DocumentBuilderFactory dbFactory = DocumentBuilderFactoryImpl.newInstance();


DocumentBuilder docBuilder = dbFactory.newDocumentBuilder();

xmlDoc = docBuilder.newDocument();

We have been doing some tests including the instruction: 
dbFactory.setExpandEntityReferences(false); without any result.




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