
I am facing exactly the issue reported by this oxygen user :
When using several keyrefs causing errors, Xerces reports only the first and
then gives up.

I would really like to have Xerces report all foreign key errors, like I've
seen with the saxon or libXml parsers. Is there a way to do that ?

I've done a few hours of search and I've read that it is a fatal error to
Xerces and that's why it stops. I've tried to set continue-after-fatal-error
to true but it didn't change anything ; anyway I've read that it's not
recommended to set this option in a production environment.

I'm joining a sample XML and XSD files that show my problem. In my example,
each ASSREGARD references a ASSFILDO, I've created two bad ASSREGARD that
reference non-existent ASSFILDO. Then Xerces reports only :
     Description: [Xerces] cvc-identity-constraint.4.3: Key
'FK_ASSFILDOREGARD' with value 'non-existent1' not found for identity
constraint of element 'FeatureCollection'.
     URL: http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-1/#cvc-identity-constraint

Instead of this I would like it to report both errors, on non-existent1 and
non-existent2. Thank you very much for any support !

Regards, Guillaume

Here are the two files :

----> keyrefDemo.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.grandlyon.com/glml ./keyrefDemo.xsd"  >






-----> keyrefDemo.xsd

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<schema targetNamespace="http://www.grandlyon.com/glml"; xmlns:glml="
    xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"; elementFormDefault="qualified"

    <!-- element -->
    <element name="FeatureCollection">

                <element name="ASSFILDO" maxOccurs="unbounded" >
                            <element name="IID_IDENTFILDO" type="string" />

                <element name="ASSREGARD" maxOccurs="unbounded" >
                            <element name="IID_IDENTREGARD" type="string" />
                            <element name="IID_ASSFILDO" type="string" />


        <key name="PK_ASSFILDO">
            <selector xpath="glml:ASSFILDO"/>
            <field xpath="glml:IID_IDENTFILDO"/>

        <key name="PK_ASSREGARD">
            <selector xpath="glml:ASSREGARD"/>
            <field xpath="glml:IID_IDENTREGARD"/>

        <keyref name="FK_ASSFILDOREGARD" refer="glml:PK_ASSFILDO">
            <selector xpath="glml:ASSREGARD"/>
            <field xpath="glml:IID_ASSFILDO"/>



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