
While I am sure that PsycoPath unit tests are passing correctly -- we are 
testing directly against W3C XPath 2.0 test suite.  If you run tests against 
this suite, you'll note that PsycoPath fails a significant number of them -- 
enough of these tests are failing that we are not able to use XML Schema 1.1 
branch in production. Sam has done an amazing job of closing the gap and 
bringing PsycoPath much closer to compliance.

Think of the github repo that Sam is working on as a means by which you can 
review the changes that he's been making. The goal isn't to fork forever. There 
are a significant number of bug fixes there and we want to contribute them as 
efficiently as possible.

Here's a pointer to the pull requests that have already been closed...

Each pull request contains within it the number of failures against the WC3 
test suite before the pull request and after.  More pull requests are coming.

I'd personally prefer option #1, and am open to suggestions on how to get this 
moving quickly .  Would you mind adding your contacts to  Eclipse WTP to this 
thread for their input?

I'd like to have Sam continue his work on removing bugs without getting bogged 
down on how those bugs make it to upstream.  I'm perfectly happy to recreate 
pull requests, but that seems like a lot of work.  I'd be curious if the team 
would be interested in reviewing Sam's fork directly and then merging from 


-jOrGe W.

From: Mukul Gandhi <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 28, 2016 12:15 AM
To: Jorge Williams
Cc:;; Michael Glavassevich
Subject: Re: Interaction between redefine+include breaks augmenting a base 
schema's element with new attributes

Hi Jorge,
   I've just re-analyzed the situation you've described in right earnest, and 
following are my findings:

Xerces-J is supposed to use following two branches from Eclipse WTP project 
located at<>

R3_2_maintenance         (this is where the product code of XPath 2.0 
processor, is stored which Xerces-J is using. We use this, because this branch 
as agreed works with JDK 1.4)
R3_2_xpath2_14unittests    (this is where the unit tests are located, which 
tests the product code of R3_2_maintenance branch. To run these unit tests, we 
would need JDK 1.5)

These two code branches were created only to facilitate Xerces-J XML Schema 1.1 
development. I think these decisions date back to few years ago.

I have all the latest code from these two branches, on my development 
workstation. Following are the results of unit tests run, that I get as of 
There are total 8276 tests on the R3_2_xpath2_14unittests branch. Except for 3 
tests in the file CatalogTest.class, that give java.lang.OutOfMemoryError to 
me, 8273 tests pass. I think these results are great, and there should not be 
any doubt about the quality of the XPath 2.0 processor, that Xerces-J is 
currently using on the SVN.

The other points that I would like to reply are:
You've mentioned a github project, that's forking the XPath 2.0 code base from 
Eclipse WTP<> site and making 
improvements on it. I personally have no issues with this and if you wish to 
use such an improved PsychoPath XPath 2.0 processor at rackspace.
I think, it is convenient for Xerces-J for the next XML Schema 1.1 release, to 
use the PsychoPath jar which is kept at present on the SVN. But I also think, 
Xerces-J must have a mechanism to have an improved XPath 2.0 processor anytime 
in future, than what we currently have on the SVN. I think, the right way for 
this will be one of the following options:
1) Any improvements must be mentioned as Eclipse WTP bugs on Eclipse forums, 
and ask for fixes there. We can get new XPath 2.0 jars as part of Eclipse WTP 
2) We host a copy of PsychoPath XPath 2.0 code base from R3_2_maintenance and 
R3_2_xpath2_14unittests branches, as branches on Xerces-J source code site. I 
think I'll be able to do this, by committing from my development workstation. 
But for that, I'll need permission from Xerces-J dev members and ideally from 
PMC also. Someone else may also, fetch latest code base from Eclipse WTP 
R3_2_maintenance and R3_2_xpath2_14unittests branches, and commit to Xerces-J 
3) We take all new improvements for PsychoPath XPath 2.0 code base, from the 
github PsychoPath site that you've created for rackspace.

But the first two options that I've mentioned, look more natural to me when I 
see how Xerces-J and Eclipse WTP work together.

I'm copying this mail to Michael if he would like to comment anything on this.

On 24 June 2016 at 19:46, Jorge Williams 
<<>> wrote:

Hey Mukul,

Sorry I should have been more specific.  I'm sure that Xerces does indeed pass 
the XML Schema 1.1 test suite.  That said, we have run into a number of issues 
that are directly related with errors in XPath  -- which XML Schema 1.1 uses 
for assertions.  So when I say test suite, I'm talking about PsycoPath passing 
the W3C XPath / XQuery test suite. If you look at the github project 
(, you can see that  
Sam has integrated the test suite into the build process ​and you can see 
specifically which tests are failing and which tests have been corrected in the 
Rackspace branch.

-jOrGe W.

From: Mukul Gandhi <<>>
Sent: Friday, June 24, 2016 3:58 AM
Subject: Re: Interaction between redefine+include breaks augmenting a base 
schema's element with new attributes

Hi Jorge,
   We (that includes I think me, Jesper & Dave Carver) had done various fixes 
earlier to the originally contributed PsycoPath library that Xerces uses for 
its XML Schema 1.1 implementation. I can say with much responsibility (being a 
previous committer to Eclipse WTP source editing, and also as a PMC member of 
Xerces), that the current jar file for PsycoPath, on Xerces SVN conforms fully 
to the W3C XML Schema 1.1 test suite.

You say, '.. XPath 2 implementation reports over 800 failures in the W3C test 
suite'. I'm curious what W3C XML Schema 1.1 tests, you and Sam found that 
PsycoPath library used by Xerces does not pass? Our XML Schema 1.1 conformance 
reports are located at: I believe, this is 
also indirectly linked from the XML Schema 1.1 specification.

On 24 June 2016 at 02:49, Jorge Williams 
<<>> wrote:
Hey Guys,

If we are planning a release of Xerces, may I suggest that we also update 
version of PsycoPath that Xerces is currently using. The current version of the 
XPath 2 implementation reports over 800 failures in the W3C test suite.  Sam 
Harwell has been able to reduce this number to about 34!

I’m in the process of reviewing these fixes — which you can find here:


Any help with these code review these PRs would be great and it would be 
awesome to include a new build of PsycoPath with the next Xerces release.


-jOrGe W.

> On Jun 17, 2016, at 8:54 AM, Michael Glavassevich 
> <<>> wrote:
> Thanks David.
> Michael Glavassevich
> XML Technologies and WAS Development
> IBM Toronto Lab
> E-mail:<>
> E-mail:<>
> David Costanzo <<>> 
> wrote on 06/17/2016 09:37:56 AM:
>> From: David Costanzo
>>>> I started with the JIRA release notes [1] and it doesn't look like I
>>>> have permissions to help with this. [snip]
>> From: Michael Glavassevich
>>> I just add you to the list of contributors in JIRA. Hopefully that
> also
>>> granted you permission to update that field.
>> Yes, that works.  I should be able to build up the release notes,
>> now.  I'll start a new thread in the "xerces-devs" list for any
>> conversation specific to the 2.12.0 release, instead of rambling
>> off-topic on this thread.
>> From: David Costanzo
>>>> As mentioned previously, the fix that my organization wants > >
>> (XERCESJ-1591, r1396551) was made in the "xml-schema-1.1-dev"
>>>> branch, not trunk, so that branch would have to be merged back to
>>>> trunk (or the fix duplicated in trunk) in order for a 2.12.0 release
>>>> to benefit my organization.
>> From: Michael Glavassevich
>>> I'll take a look at the original fix. Assuming it applies to XML
> Schema
>>> 1.0, it should have been committed at the same time to the trunk.
>> That would be appreciated, Michael.  Thanks.

Mukul Gandhi

Mukul Gandhi

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