Dnia 15-05-2007, Wt o godzinie 23:49 -0700, Michael Collette napisaƂ(a):
> The first glitch happened on the make install.  During the install I
> got an 
> error stating that it couldn't chown on /usr/local/etc/jabberd.
> Wanting to 
> just get past this to test the server I manually created the
> directory.  When 
> I ran the install again it setup the config directory
> as /usr/local/etc rather 
> than all the way to the jabberd directory.

The default config dir is now $PREFIX/etc.
If you want to change this, please use --sysconfdir option
for ./configure script, as it is mentioned in the UPGRADE file

> I should explain that we're using the ldap authentication with MySQL
> as the sm 
> back end.  For this test setup all SSL and SASL was turned off.

SASL support is required. You need either GSASL or CyrusSASL enabled.

> setting an 
> away message on the client.  This kills the server instantly.  Running
> in 
> debug mode, the following message displays when the server crashes due
> to this.
> ERROR: sm died.  Shutting down server.

sm died. Could you please run sm in -D ebug mode?
Or better try tu get the backtrace of the crash.

> One last note in this long post.  There's something wrong with the DNS
> setup 
> for this mailing list.  No MX record exists for the lists.xiaoda.com
> domain, 

There is an A record though.
This is how DreamHost is setting up things - I cannot help it.

Tomasz Sterna
Xiaoka Grp.  http://www.xiaoka.com/

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