Dnia 2008-04-01, wto o godzinie 11:40 +0200, Jorge Salamero Sanz pisze:
> trac wiki says that currently jabberd2 doesn't support logging
> conversations.
> is this still true ?

To my best knowledge - yes, this is still true.

>  is there any plans to implement this ?

There is a student willing to implement Message Archiving XEP for
jabberd2 as a GSoC project, but I don't know whether he pursue the idea.

I'm going to implement ejabberd mod_logdb compatible module for jabberd2
as a replacement Jorge backend.
But since Jorge is not portable now anyway, the idea is on hold until
Jorge code cleanup.

  /\_./o__ Tomasz Sterna
 (/^/(_^^' http://www.xiaoka.com/
._.(_.)_   im:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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