Thing is, trillian handles account creation just fine.

My setup is:
Slackware 11
gsasl 0.2.9

Client side is: Trillian 3.1 running on Vista

I've run jabber with the -D flag and saved the output to a file:

I created a user jabbertest and then tried to logon as it. Creation
successful, login not so much. Personally, I could not really make head/tail
of the debug output.

I only present this info in case you of you has an itch to scratch on this
front, as I'm happy enough to run PSi on my windows box.


2008/5/5 Peter Saint-Andre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> On 05/04/2008 5:34 PM, Natasha Live wrote:
> > I've tried with PSI and that works.
> >
> > I've not figured out how to get a stream dump. Network sniffing is
> something
> > I've never managed successfully.
> >
> > The trillian status window gives this:
> > [00:27] *** Creating connection "[EMAIL PROTECTED]/Trillian"
> > [00:27] *** Auth: Unable to negotiate SASL, disconnecting.
> > [00:27] *** Disconnected from server.
> >
> > Looks like trillian can't handle SASL.
> Perhaps. Or it might be a problem with the particular SASL mechanism
> (e.g., there is always some confusion over the DIGEST-MD5 mechanism,
> which is why the IETF is deprecating it).
> Peter
> --
> Peter Saint-Andre

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