Hello Tomasz,

Tomasz Sterna schrieb:
> We were talking with Ono today about merging all jabberd 2 sub
> applications (router, c2s, s2s, sm) into one binary, with multiple
> threads running each components.
> That would mainly reduce maintenance and deployment effort. You would
> run one process instead of several ones.
> And wouldn't keep one from running each component in separate process -
> just run only one thread+component in each instance.
> With such design there are some performance optimisations possible in
> router, that could just pass pointers to data instead of pushing the
> data through TCP sockets.
> There are some problems with current single-thread design of jabberd,
> but we think they are easily solvable. Ex. static buffers with thread
> local-storage.
> What do you think about this idea?
> Is it worth pursuing? Or not worth the effort?

I think I'm quite addicted to the current model. We have a brund of c2s-
and sm-Instances running for our customers here (some of them reside on
other servers than the router). I would be very happy to see those two
components in one single binary, but not in our main-router.
My approach whould be to combine all components in a single "universal"
binary but not with the need to run every component out of this binary
in a own thread and to keep the TCP-Sockets-Stuff as an "alternative"
way to connect to the router...
This might remove your mentioned problems (which I'm not aware of) but
keep some parts of jabberd2's scalability.

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