Hi Tomasz, thanks for replying.

On Thu, Jul 30, 2009 at 11:11:49AM +0200, Tomasz Sterna wrote:
> From: "John Schmitt" <nuon...@yahoo.com>
>> Could I just enter the plaintext password there?
> You enter the password, not the hash to the config file.

How was that long string derived from "secret" generated?  Why was it used 
rather than a plain text password?  How can I generate my own?

>>  Would that make my setup less secure?
> Why would that?

For the same reason that it's not a plain text password in every .xml file.  I 
only vaguely understand security but I understand that you don't want to send a 
password in the clear over a network, but I don't understand why some .xml 
files store a hashed string and some simply store a plaintext password.

> -- 
> Tomasz Sterna
> Instant Messaging & EDI Consultant
> Open Source Developer
> http://tomasz.sterna.tv/  http://www.xiaoka.com/  
> -- 
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