Dan White writes:
- I'm a new jabberd2 user, and I have compiled and installed jabber with
- Cyrus SASL support.
- How do I configure my c2s.xml to use SASL for authentication?
- I found this section of config:
- <c2s>
-    ...
-    <authreg>
-      ..
-      <module>mysql</module>
- I've tried 'sasl' and 'cyrus' but both produce errors in
- /var/log/jabberd2/c2s.log:

The <authreg/> section refers to the database back end to be
used to find authentication/registration information.

Place the name of the database system (postgresql, mysql,
oracle, bdb, sqlite) in that section. (between

SASL is part of the specification of XMPP, and hence always

Eric Schnoebelen                e...@cirr.com           http://www.cirr.com
        Due to circumstances beyond your control, you are master of
                your fate and captain of your soul.

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