"D'Arcy Cain" writes:
- I suspect that this is a PAM issue at this point but I can't be sure. 
- Hopefully someone else has solved this already.

Do you have a debug trace from c2s and sm?  

>From NetBSD pkgsrc, build with PKG_OPTIONS.jabberd2+=debug, and
then start those components by hand with the `-D' flag.

Eric Schnoebelen                e...@cirr.com           http://www.cirr.com
  Server (n.), 1. Large, extremely expensive machine that goes "Ping!".
  Measuring at least 25 cubic feet, heavy, bulky and giving of more heat
    than a nuclear power plant.  It's big, it's bad, it's beautiful and 
      makes it pretty clear what happened to this year's IT-budget.

  • Using PAM D'Arcy Cain
    • Re: Using PAM Eric Schnoebelen

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