Dnia 2012-08-18, sob o godzinie 03:19 +0200, Guido Winkelmann pisze:
> I just noticed that the documentation under 
> https://github.com/Jabberd2/jabberd2/wiki/InstallGuide-QuickStartGuide
> is missing a lot of images. From the context, it looks like those
> images are really quite central to the text, containing information
> that is not available otherwise. 

These are not images.
These are code blocks, like this:
 yum install jabberd

For some reason GitHub's Creole renderer now interprets them as inline
images of syntax {{...}} :-/

I reported this issue to them.

Tomasz Sterna
Instant Messaging Consultant : Open Source Developer
http://tomasz.sterna.tv/  http://www.xiaoka.com/portfolio

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