
I've been using jabberd2 for more than two years in our research unit. During 
this time the amount of people has increase although some people has gone.

I am tired of adding and removing people from our roster template and from our 
xmpp client, pidgin. Therefore, I decided to switch to 
ldapvcard and user roster-publish. However, I am facing two problems one of 
them also happens with roster template.

Roster template works perfect for a new user that arribes but although all 
contacts are shown, they are all off-line and user has to make a re-request 
authorization for all of them. An example entry of our roster.xml is:
<item name='Oriol Mula-Valls' jid='omula@cfu.local' 
I have also this problem with roster-publish and ldapvcard.

Now that version 2.3.1 has been released with jabberd2.schema I 
understand more or less how to use ldapvcard. I have loaded the 
provided schema on our ldap server but I have not managed to get it working 

I use uid, posixAccount and userPassword because 
on the one hand the other attributes are not in the ldap schema provided and on 
the other hand it would be duplicating information. This setup has the problem 
that the domain is not appended to the uid attribute and therefore it doesn't 
work. I tried to modified a user appending the realm to its uid (e.g.: uid: 
omula@cfu.local) and it this case it worked. Nonetheless, user was offline and 
authorization request was needed.

     <!-- LDAPVCARD driver configuration -->
       <!-- LDAP server host and port (default: 389) -->


       <!-- LDAP attribute that holds the user ID (default: uid) -->
       <!-- if you use included jabberd.schema use this:
       <pwattr>jabberPassword</pwattr> -->







Can anyone help me to fix configuration problems, please? Thanks in advance.

Kind regards,
Oriol Mula Valls
Institut Català de Ciències del Clima (IC3)
Doctor Trueta 203 - 08005 Barcelona
Tel:+34 93 567 99 77

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