Dnia 2014-01-09, czw o godzinie 22:00 +0530, Kumar Deepak pisze:

> 1. User A is running xmpp client at his iPHONE
> 2. User B is running xmpp client at his desktop
> 3. User B sends message to A, but A's xmpp client is either not
> running or running in background.

At pt.1 you stated that A's xmpp client is running, so this condition
contradicts pt.1

> 4. Server stores the message for later delivery.

This would happen if A's client is not connected. So I guess that
'running' does not necessary mean 'connected'.

> 5. Server informs A by sending a message using apple push notification
> infrastructure.
> 6. User A accepts the push and A's xmpp client connects to server and
> server delivery the message to A.

Ok. 'Running' definitely does not mean 'connected'.

Your goal would be best accomplished by hooking to offline storage
module, or using completely custom offline storage module, that sends
notification every time it stores a message offline for later delivery.

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