Reminder: speaker's deadline tomorrow, 17 November at 23:59 UTC The Free RTC dev-room has already received some really exciting talk proposals but there is still time for people to propose talks or encourage friends or colleagues to speak.
Many other dev-rooms also have a deadline in the next few days and if your topic is applicable to more than one dev-room, you are welcome to make more than one submission. Please contact us or put a note in the memo field at the top of the talk proposal if you do that. All projects are encouraged to consider making a lightning talk too, it is an excellent opportunity to get exposure for your project: even though you only have 15 minutes, it can be a much larger and more diverse audience than in some dev-rooms. For full details, please see the original call for participation: We invite all potential speakers and participants to discuss the selection process and other aspects of FOSDEM on the Free-RTC mailing list: