Hi folks,

Apologies in advance if I am not clear enough, happy to provide 
clarifications if required.

I am having a hard time finding information about how to use SequenceWriter 
to output a custom POJO to a JSON file in an incremental way.

I found Bozhidar's solution to incrementally output data as a JSON array (
https://dzone.com/articles/writing-big-json-files-with-jackson); that is 
natively supported by SequenceWriter through the init(true) method.

In my use case, we have a service that receives a SQL query and outputs it 
as a CSV file. 

Since some queries may produce millions of rows, this CSV is written 
incrementally as the result set is read, line by line, to prevent out of 
memory issues.

I was asked to add the option of outputting a JSON file instead of a CSV 
file, but in the same incremental way. 

The gotcha is that I need to use a legacy JSON structure, something like:

    "metadata": {
        "query": "SELECT * FROM ZZZ",
        "processingTime": 100,
    "result": {
        "columns": [
        "result": [

*[                "abc",                "def",                "..."        
    ],            [                "foo",                "bar",            
    "..."            ],            ...millions of lines...*

The part in red is the part I want to incrementally write/update on the 
JSON file, while keeping the blue parts fixed.

I was browsing the javadocs for SequenceWriter (
and saw that the constructor accepts a DefaultSerializerProvider and a 
JsonGenerator object, but I am not sure how I would use these resources to 
achieve my objective.

Would you have a piece of documentation or an example of how I could use 
SequenceWriter to incrementally write the JSON file I need, based on a 
custom POJO? 

Or could you please tell me if I should be looking for another approach, in 
case SequenceWriter is not the answer for my use case?

Many thanks,
Best regards,

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