Hello, currently I have a byte[] coming in that looks like
       field1: value1 // could be any type
       field2: "value2"
       field3: smt_else
where both the field names and the value types are dynamic (they are 
response from a database).

I have a set of all the field names (called names). Currently I'm using 
both JsonGenerator and JsonParser like so

while (jParser.nextToken() != JsonToken.END_OBJECT) {
          String dataFieldName = jParser.getCurrentName();
          if (names.contains(dataFieldName)) {

This works fine but my generated json object's field values are all 
Strings. I was wondering if there's a jsonGenerator.writeObject or a 
jParser.getObject that will automatically pick up on what types it should 
be reading or writing? I know there's already a writeObject and readObject 
but those are more for POJO classes which won't work for due to the dynamic 
nature of my response.

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