So, I went ahead and published 2.15.0-rc2; release notes are:

and the hope is to get things cleared up enough to release 2.15.0
final within 2 weeks.

For this to happen we REALLY need help testing this pre-release
version -- in particular users who build using something other than
Maven (like Gradle), use/run on OSGi, or Android.
And of course help by maintainers/users of popular frameworks like
DropWizard, Quarkus, RESTeasy, Spring (Boot) etc etc would be really

Basically: if it is easy for you to try out how Jackson 2.15.0-rc2
works, as a drop-in replacement of, say, Jackson 2.13.x or 2.14.x,
it'd be awesome if you could try to see how it fares -- are there
unit/integration test failures? Or is everything just working as-is.
And in either case, letting us know! It is still easy enough to fix
obvious regressions and try to make 2.15.0 the stables best .0 release
of Jackson ever! :-D

Thank you in advance to everyone for their help!

-+ Tatu +-

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