> if I drop on...

Though I am not sure what you mean by "dropping on", but as far as I 


SimpleObject *simpleObject *= new SimpleObject();


*simpleObject*.setAdditionalProperty("additional", "additional");

*simpleObject*.setAdditionalProperty("remains", "remains");


...should serialize into `{"singleField":"onlyIfeld"}`.

And JSON string `{"onlyField": "someValue", "additional": "anotherValue"}` 
should deserialize into an instance of `SimpleObject` class with 
"onlyField" as its singleField and empty map?

Try simply removing `@JsonAnySetter` and `@JsonAnyGetter`. 

Hope it helps,

On Monday, August 14, 2023 at 11:59:36 PM UTC+9 Ken Hancock wrote:

> Hi Vince,
> If I'm understanding the implementation of mapper.convertVaue(), I think 
> it doesn't matter whether it's on serialization or deserialization since 
> convertValue() does both.
> To illustrate, let's say I have a pojo with one field and the 
> anySetter/anyGetter:
> @JsonProperty("onlyField")
> private String onlyField;
> @JsonAnyGetter
> public Map<String, Object> getAdditionalProperties() {
>     return this.additionalProperties;
> }
> @JsonAnySetter
> public void setAdditionalProperty(String name, Object value) {
>     this.additionalProperties.put(name, value);
> }
> If I deserialize {"onlyField": "someValue", "additional": "anotherValue"}, 
> I end up with a pojo with object.getOnlyField() == "someValue") and 
> object.getAdditionalProperties().get("additional") == "anotherValue")
> Now when I call mapper.convertValue(object, MyPojo.class):
> if I drop on serialization, I end up with a serialized object of 
> {"onlyField": "someValue"}
> if I drop on deserialize, I start with a serialized object of  
> {"onlyField": "someValue", "additional": "anotherValue"} but end up with a 
> pojo with an empty map in object.getAditionalProperties().
> If I can do it at either step, I'd love to know how, but either one will 
> solve my current problem.
> Here's a gist with a sample, which currently fails: 
> https://gist.github.com/hancockks/02509e5d06b0f1d95b1e3e6c4a23a9f1
> On Saturday, August 12, 2023 at 8:31:54 AM UTC-4 Joo Hyuk Kim (김주혁) wrote:
>> Hello Ken,
>> To make things clear, a few questions.
>>    - Meaning of "to strip any additional properties before writing an 
>>    object". Are you looking to exclude `additionalProperties` only during 
>>    serialization, but include in deserialization? 
>>    - Is the primary intent to generate a JSON output that does not 
>>    include `additionalProperties`, or is there another objective? 
>>    - Could you also provide a simple, reproducible example using just 
>>    Jackson and Java?
>> Thanks,
>> Joo Hyuk, Kim (Vince)
>> On Saturday, August 12, 2023 at 1:31:13 AM UTC+9 Ken Hancock wrote:
>>> I have a pojo that serializes any additional properties into 
>>> @JsonAnyGetter
>>> public Map<String, Object> getAdditionalProperties() {
>>>     return this.additionalProperties;
>>> }
>>> @JsonAnySetter
>>> public void setAdditionalProperty(String name, Object value) {
>>>     this.additionalProperties.put(name, value);
>>> }
>>> However, I have an odd use case where I want to be able to strip any 
>>> additional properties before writing an object. I'm fairly sure with all of 
>>> Jackson's configuration settings that I should be able to configure a 
>>> mapper such that mapper.convertValue(myPojo, MyPojo.class) should be able 
>>> to serialize and deserialize back again, dropping the additionalProperties 
>>> when it serializes?   The pojo is deeply nested and auto-generated, so I'd 
>>> prefer not to hard-code having to just clear additionalProperties at each 
>>> sub-object.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Ken

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