I'm a big fan of the code coverage reports at codecov.io and understand 
that is built with jacoco, which is awesome - thank you!

I tried jacoco for the first time in a Kotlin/Java8 project that has lots 
of default methods in interfaces, generics, and lambdas.  It doesn't seem 
to produce any report.  I'm guessing it chokes on the very first class file 
it finds because it's so quick, but I really don't know.  jacoco.csv and 
.xml are both 0 bytes and the only files (besides the jacoco-resources 
folder) in the target/site/jacoco folder.

I tried this:

$ mvn clean test jacoco:report
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.jacoco:jacoco-maven-plugin:0.8.1:report 
(default-cli) on project MyProject: An error has occurred in JaCoCo report 
generation. Error while creating report: Error while analyzing 
myProject/target/classes/something/SomeClass.class. 302 -> [Help 1]

With this in my maven pom.xml file:


What am I doing wrong?

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