
We have noticed that a *.exec file generated on windows / mac are producing 
reports with very different coverage numbers.

On windows the *.exec file is showing 90% whilst on mac it is showing 84%. 
If we take the *.exec file from the mac machine and put it onto the windows 
machine and then generate the report again from this file it shows 91% - so 
closer, but still not a match.

Wondering what we can do to try and investigate this further?

If it helps at all we are running multiple test tasks that we are then 
trying to combine into an aggregate report ...

val jacocoReportLocations = fileTree("/build/jacoco") { include("*.exec") }
jacocoReportLocations.files.forEach {

val jacocoTestReport by getting(JacocoReport::class) {
    reports {
        xml.isEnabled = true
    afterEvaluate {
        classDirectories.setFrom(files(classDirectories.files.map {
            fileTree(it) {

and the dir that sources the files has the following in it ...


Thanks in advance,


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