Am Mon, 10 Jan 2022 13:31:16 -0800 (PST)
schrieb Moustafa Nofal <>:

> Hi, 
> I intend to add another Linux on Raspberry Pi4. So, I added also a
> memory region on rpi4.c and extended the size of mem_regions by, and
> managed to get working. I added a pci device, and extended the array
> by one, and the pci device is added, but without kernel driver in
> use? So, how to add the driver to it?

What kind of device is it? The kernel should simply find it and bind
any driver that fits, in case it has one that does.

If it is a virtual network device based on ivshmem2 you need to add the
pci device, and multiple memory regions for it
JAILHOUSE_SHMEM_NET_REGIONS for the driver to pick it up correctly you
need to set the shmem_protocol of the pci device to
JAILHOUSE_SHMEM_PROTO_VETH and set the index shmem_regions_start to
your newly added memory regions.


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