
I've ..
* upgraded Phoenix inside James to latest
* upgraded Cornerstone to latest
* eliminated use of marker interface Block

I've not ..
* changed use of Composable to Serviceable
    - it could be partially done, before maillet V2.0 is decided.

Giacomo has responded to my query on his use of AbstractService :

    "We have no problem moving from Composable to Servicable. We don't use
    AbstractService (out approach is to extend AbstractLogEnabled).

    So, from my side you'll have a go to change over to Serviceable.

    Thanks for contacting me as I wasn't able to follow the lists recently
    as well as in the next couple of weeks seriously because of huge

We have green light for go, but we have to decide if we can make a 
backward-incompatile to maillet 1.0.  We could do it (bump to maillet 
1.1) but we'd have to know if the entire JAMES community could adapt the 
change.  This is not as hard work as it would be to change the, say, 
servlet spec.  Until it has been discussed I'm reluctant to do it.

- Paul

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