Hi all,

I am using the latest version of James 2.1a1 from CVS.

After successfully upgrading James from 2.03a to 2.1a1 and run the program, 
I keep getting the following messages:

The Block named "imapsystem" (implementation class 
IMAPSystem"), implements a service "org.apache.james.imapserver.IMAPSystem" 
h extends a Lifecycle interface 
zable". This violates the expected usage patterns.
The Block named "imapsystem" (implementation class 
IMAPSystem"), implements a service "org.apache.james.imapserver.IMAPSystem" 
h extends a Lifecycle interface 
e". This violates the expected usage patterns.
The Block named "imapsystem" (implementation class 
IMAPSystem"), implements a service "org.apache.james.imapserver.IMAPSystem" 
h extends a Lifecycle interface 
gurable". This violates the expected usage patterns.
James 2.1a1-cvs
Started IMAP Server plain:143
Started SMTP Server plain:25

I am using only SMTP and IMAP protocol (of which I'm currently evaluating). 
I have removed and replaced all instances of Block in IMAP to Component 

There is no problem with James mail server at all, it's just curiosity. I 
suspect these are warning messages and wanted to find out their meaning.

Can someone also explain to me the current differences between 2.03a and 

Look forward to your comments and valuable feedback.

Thanks in advance,


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